Friday, June 28, 2013

Eat Less Crap & Eat More Food

The display of this photo is very self explanatory and unsophisticated. All it takes is just one decision made within the mill of your mind. Choose fruit berries; raspberries, blueberries, acai berries,  strawberries etc. instead of varieties of candies with artificial sugars and sweeteners that bears Aspartame, aspartic acid and methanol.  Overtime, Aspartame generates bad heath effects like fibromyalgia, arthritis, abdominal pain, heart palpitations, nausea, depression, neurological disorders and weight gain.

What is exactly in Aspartame? Phenylalanine and aspartic acid. Phenylalanine and aspartic acid directly impact brain and central nervous system functions; evidence shows they play a role in mood disorders, memory problems and other neurological illnesses.

Methanol is converted into formaldehyde when metabolized. Makers of aspartame say methanol and it’s byproducts are quickly excreted. But research has found measurable amounts of formaldehyde in the livers, kidneys and brains of test subjects after ingestion of aspartame.

At high temperatures, phenylalanine breaks down into (something that’s called); diketopiperazine (DPK), a known carcinogen. Phenylalanine is especially dangerous for people with hereditary disease.

- Renix Graham, III
"Water is the only drink for a wise man." - Henry David Thoreau
Get your FREE Healthy Water eBook at:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mice Urine on Soda Cans

On Sunday a family went to picnic with a few drinks in tin cans. Monday, two family members were admitted to the hospital and placed in Intensive Care Unit. One died on Wednesday. Autopsy results concluded it was Leptospirosis. The virus was stuck to the tin cans and consumed, without the use of glasses / cups. Test results showed that the tin was contaminated because mice urinated on them, and then it dried up. The urine contained Leptospira. It is highly recommended to rinse the parts evenly on all soda cans before drinking it. Cans are usually stored in the warehouse and delivered direct to retail stores without cleaning. A study shows that the top of all beverage cans are more contaminated than public toilets (full of germs and bacteria.)So, clean it with water before drinking in order to prevent this from occurring.

Please take into consideration! The importance of cleaning off the tops of soda cans are extremely vital. 

- Renix Graham, III
"Water is the only drink for a wise man." - Henry David Thoreau 
Get your FREE Healthy Water eBook at:

Monday, June 24, 2013


Questions about the safety of a popular herbicide made by Monsanto Co have resurfaced in a warning from a U.S. scientist that claims top selling Roundup may contribute to plant disease and health problems for farm animals. Plant pathologist and retired Purdue University professor Don Huber has written a letter to U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack warning that a newly discovered and widespread “electron microscopic pathogen appears to significantly impact the health of plants, animals, and probably humans beings.” Huber coordinates a committee of the American Phytopathological Society as part of the USDA National Plant Disease Recovery System. Huber said the organism has been found in high concentration of Roundup Ready soybean meal and corn, which are used in live stock feed. He said laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of the organism in pig, cattle and other livestock that have experienced spontaneous abortions and infertility. The organism is also prolific in corn and soybean crops stricken by disease, according to Huber. “It should be treated as an emergency.” He requested USDA participation in an investigation, and he urged a moratorium on approvals of Roundup Ready crops. USDA officials declined to comment about the letter’s contents. Roundup has long been a draw for critics, who say the herbicide promotes widespread weed resistance, or “super weeds.” While the evidence is considered preliminary, the potential damage to humans and animals is severe,” said Jeffrey Smith, executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology. There have been other alarms raised about Roundup, including a report last year from Argentine scientists who claimed that Roundup can contribute to birth defects in frogs and chickens.

-Renix Graham, III
"Water is the only drink for a wise man." -David Henry Thoreau
Get your FREE Healthy Water eBook at:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Infused Water

There’s a lot of buzz out there over infused waters and teas. 

Just a few weekends ago a good friend of mine brought an infused tea to a picnic gathering, her cousin asked her, “Is infusing my water something I should be doing? Is it super good for you or something?”

Her answer to her was, “No better than eating the fruits, herbs, veggies etc, and then just drinking the water.” Now, don’t get me wrong, I think infused teas and waters are great, but they’re not magical. Sure, putting a few slices of lemon or orange into water gives you more vitamin C than plain water, but lets not forget that you could just eat the fruit in the first place and also get the vitamins along with some fiber (although I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to eat straight lemons). So I guess you could say that for certain fruits (like lemons and limes), or certain herbs/spices (like mint or ginger) infusing them into your water or tea may provide benefits simply because you might not be consuming them otherwise. But for the most part, the big benefits of infused waters and teas are the following in my book:

  • It increases your consumption of water, particularly for people that say they “don’t like the taste of water” or that “water has no flavor.” These people are usually not getting in the recommended 8-10 cups of water per day, so by infusing their water and making it more appealing to them, they have a better chance of meeting their hydration needs.

  • In many cases, when people don’t like drinking water, they turn to less desirable beverage options such as soda or juice, which generally have little nutrition to offer besides calories from sugar (the exception here would be if you are “juicing” fruits and vegetables yourself with a powerful juicer). Even diet beverages, though devoid of calories, really aren’t the type of hydration that our bodies are seeking. Now, there is a whole lot of controversy out there even among the experts, as to whether or not artificial sweeteners are “bad for you” but here’s what the science has told us thus far consumers can safely enjoy the artificial sweeteners for sale in the U.S. But aside from the fact that there is no research to suggest that they’re harmful, there are other downsides to consuming artificial sweeteners. Namely, it has been shown that the consumption of artificial sweeteners can make you crave sugary foods and thus increase caloric intake from simple sugars. I usually explain it to people like this - the diet soda you’re drinking is tricking your body. You’re giving it sweet taste without sweet calories, and in some people, that can make you crave those sweet calories that your body thinks it should be getting. So, if you’re an avid diet soda drinker or if you are really into drinks like Crystal Light and have been wanting to cut back or quit, then infused water and/or tea might be a great switch for you to make.

- Renix Graham, III
"Water is the only drink for a wise man."  -Henry David Thoreau
Get your FREE Healthy Water eBook at:

Friday, June 14, 2013

Alcohol Advertising

The alcohol advertising industries argue that as alcoholic drink is a legal product it should be legally possible for it to be advertised, and that bans on alcohol advertising would have adverse effects on the alcohol market and on the media. They also argue that bans are not justified as advertising is concerned with promoting sales of individual brands and there is no evidence of a causal link between advertising and the overall level of alcohol consumption or the amount
of alcohol related harm.

The main counter-arguments are that as well as promoting brands, advertising is also concerned with recruiting new drinkers and increasing sales among existing, and especially heavy consumers. Intensive advertising and promotion of alcohol appears to sanction and legitimate use of a product which causes high levels of damage to individuals and society. By definition, alcohol advertising is one sided, avoiding any reference to the negative aspects of alcohol consumption. In modern circumstances, it is also necessary to enable alcohol to compete against other alternative drugs as well as soft drinks. There is in fact some evidence  that bans on alcohol advertising can have beneficial effect on the level of harm, at least in the longer term. 

Alcohol advertising are in most respects parallel to those concerning tobacco advertising, An analysis of internal documents from advertising agencies working for tobacco companies exposed as highly disingenuous the standard tobacco (and alcohol) industry arguments that advertising is only about expanding or protecting brand share, not total consumption, and that if there are any problems industry self regulation is the answer. 

The aim was to increase consumption as well as brand share. Individual brands gain from market expansion and therefore deliberate plans were made to encourage it. Other Industry strategies included undermining government policy and evading regulation - for example, resisting and circumventing restrictions on advertising and tax increases on tobacco products. Voluntary, self regulatory codes were treated cynically, the advertising agencies playing cat and mouse with the regulatory body, pushing to the limits and avoiding the rules whenever possible. 

The young were a key target, and the imagery used in the advertising was designed to attract them, although for public consumption, care was taken always to refer to the young adult market. The lifestyles, motivations and aspirations of young people were continuously assessed. it was concluded that young people smoked for emotional reasons and that the branding could meet their needs by adding aspiration, coolness and ‘street cred’ to the products. This in itself was counter to the regulatory code which stipulated that cigarette ads should not suggest that smoking was associated with social success or play on susceptibilities of the emotionally vulnerable especially the young. The issue was marketing, not just advertising alone. All aspects of marketing such as price, distribution and other commercial communications such as point of sale material and direct mail were brought into play to maximize the uptake and continuance of smoking and thus to increase sales. Advertising and sponsorship became one, performing the same key task of promoting the all important brand images that appeal to young smokers and drinkers.

- Renix Graham, III
"Water is the only drink for a wise man." - Henry David Thoreau
Get your FREE Healthy Water eBook at:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Conviction of drinking Evian water.

On a Friday afternoon my wife and I were at the Los Angeles International Airport (aka LAX), on our way to visiting Dallas, Tx. We got our tickets printed out, we went through security point at TSA and headed for our designated terminal. I began to get very thirsty and I’ve realized I didn’t have my gallon of alkaline (Kangen) water. There was no way for me to even get pass TSA with my Gallon of alkaline water, it’s way too Large to take with me on the jet. I was personally bummed that I didn’t have it with me. My body has became immune to drinking alkaline water. I would drinking 1-2 gallons of alkaline water daily & faithfully. I was disappointment yet thirsty for water. Not thirsty just for any kind of water because all waters are not created equal, I wanted my alkaline water. I decided to go to one of the airport shops where all the items cost an arm, leg, foot and toe nail. I looked inside their retail storage refrigerator to find the proper water for me to drink. I saw Dasani water, I didn’t want that. I saw Fiji water, I didn’t want it. I ran across Perrier water, I didn’t want that either nor Aquafina, No Thanks.  I saw Evian water. I’ve heard all of the raving hype about rich people & celebrities drinking Evian. 5 star restaurants even serve Evian in a nice clear glass wine looking bottle. Evian is known as the next best thing. Blah Blah Blah!!! Evian’s pH level stands at a 7.6 pH (it’s considered at neutral level, if it was a school grade it would be a C) with an ORP reading of +350 (NOT GOOD!) Positive numbers means Oxidation and Oxidation consorts rusting, dehydration and aging. My body was craving Evian badly, my heart and soul suggested alkaline water but by any means necessary if you’re parched, DRINK! DON’T THRIST TO DEATH. LOL

One of many reasons why I don’t bother drinking other bottled water such as Evian; the age/time of the “drinking” water sits between nine months to a year old. Evian water comes from the country of France. After the drinking water has been inserted into the bottles, they’re labeled and packaged up and stored inside a metal storage container for 3 to 4 months until the next ship comes to pick it up. Also keep into consideration, the sun radiates all day upon these storage containers. The interior temperatures are nearly equivalent to a hot roasted oven. All of the bottled waters inside the containers are hot all throughout the day and even the night time. Once the ship comes to pick up the next load of Evian Water, it takes a month to sail oversees. The speed capability of a cargo ship is absolutely no where equivalent to a commercial cruise ship. Due to the cargo ship’s weight capacity of transporting cargo, it is important for the captain (driver) to maintain exceptionally slow speed for safety precaution. Five months has passed and by that time, the plastic bottle material has discharged deposits of BPA chemicals within the Evian water. Over the course of five months the Evian water has adjusted to many temperature levels ever since leaving the factory in France. Once the ship arrives to the ports of the U.S., the Evian water is placed in another hot metal like storage container for 4 months until the next food distribution company decides to pick it up and deliver it to 7 Eleven, Rite Aid, Ralph’s, Albertson’s or Vons etc. The Evian water finally reaches it’s destination, THE STORE! Until the next customer decides to purchase that particular bottle of Evian water, it will just sit and remain there. Once a customer purchases a bottle of Evian water and drinks it, they’re thinking “AAHHHHH, THERE’S NOTHING LIKE THE REFRESHING TASTE OF COLD EVIAN WATER!” Blinded by the deceptive marketing images displayed upon those cold bottles of water and don’t even have a clue about the truth behind them. Just because bottled waters are Freezing cold doesn’t always mean they're fresh.

And that is the reason why I felt convicted drinking “Fresh, Rich, Celebrity People” type of water called Evian. 

- Renix Graham, III 
"Water is the only drink for a wise man." - Henry David Thoreau 
Get your FREE Healthy Water eBook at:

Monday, June 10, 2013

Creation of Thunder & Lightning!

Alright! I’m back in action after missing two weeks from making any blog entries due to relocation of residency. It feels good to be back in action. I’ve recently just moved to the state of Texas from California. I’ve been here in Texas for little over a week and I’m loving it out here. The Texas culture is a whole lot different than California. I would consider Texas to be very spacious with lots of green vegetation. It is just wonderful. 

On a beautiful Tuesday afternoon, my wife and I were opening our boxes to store our items in their respective places. We have two dogs and they were just running all over our house, upstairs into each bedroom, into the loft & game room, back downstairs, in and out of my office, through the kitchen and back into the den. I’ve decided to go into the garage to get the dog’s cage. I placed the dog cage into the backyard to set it up. In the midst of setting up the cage, I so happen to stop and just glance at the clear beautiful sky, feeling the warm southern humid wind blow by me. I’ve came to the realization; I actually live in the state of Texas and no longer in California. I couldn’t help but smile. As I glanced in eastward direction, I noticed dark clouds from a distance. There just might be a storm tonight, I thought to myself. As the day past by, my wife and I’s labor had came to a close. We were tired as can be, ready for dinner, shower and go to bed.

In the middle of the night, my wife and I were sleeping really good like two babies in a crib. In my sleep, I was dreaming about being in Malibu beach of California having lunch with friends of mine. The restaurant was located right off of the Pacific Coast Highway 2, right on the beach front. Across the street were very nice celebrity style like homes and there was a very high hill that oversees these houses. On top of the high hill was a very sharp winding road. I saw a school bus coming down this twirling winding road driving excessively fast. As my friends sat at the table engaged in conversation, I sat and just watched the school proceed the sharp curve on the winding road. The bus driver inside of the bus attempted to make the sharp turn to stay on the road but instead lost full control and ended up flipping off of the road. (As a reminder: this was only a Dream) As the bus tumbled and flipped over and over down the side of the hill, I heard rumbling noise. The rumbling sound was very loud and watching the bus flip down the hill, the rumbling sound and the bus crashing action were parallel, aligned perfectly on cue. Hearing the rumbling sound from what I thought was from the bus had woke me out of my sleep. Turns out to be crackling sounds of Thunder & Lightning from outside my house. I love the sounds of Thunder & Lightning so much so, I jumped out of bed to record it on my iPhone and took picture shots as well. It amazes me how Thunder & Lighting comes into full effect. 

Thunder is caused by lightning, which is essentially a stream of electrons flowing between or within clouds, or between a cloud and the ground. The air surrounding the electron stream is heated to as hot as 50,000 degree Fahrenheit, which is three times hotter than the surface of the sun. As the superheated air cools it produces a resonating tube of partial vacuum surrounding the lightning’s path. The nearby air rapidly expands and contracts. This causes the column to vibrate like a tubular drum head and produces a tremendous crack. As the vibrations gradually die out, the sound echoes and reverberates, generating the rumbling we call thunder. We can hear the thundering booms 10 miles or more distant from the lightning that caused it. 

When the lightning is within sight, however, we see it first because the speed of sound in air is considerably slower that that of the electron flow. Thus, the sound behaves more like a shock wave than an ordinary sound wave. The shock wave follows the path of the electrons like a fist in a sock. The speed of sound is even more insignificant when compared to the speed of light. The light from the flash reaches us in a fraction of a second, whereas the sound lags along like a snail following an interplanetary rocket.

The audiovisual spectacle of thunder and lighting is a combination of the dynamics of the vibration of air molecules and their disturbance by electrical forces. It is an awesome show and one that reminds all of us of the powers of nature and our own insignificance in relation to them.

- Renix Graham, III
"Water is the only drink for a wise man." - Henry David Thoreau
Get your FREE Healthy Water eBook at: