Friday, May 17, 2013

The Monster...

Last week, I was driving on my way to a meeting with my colleagues, taking my normal route passing through Hollywood. I’ve reached a crossroad intersection called Wilshire Boulevard and turned left onto Wilshire. I drove nearly a mile down Wilshire until I’ve reached Crenshaw Boulevard. I was only five cars away from the actual intersection to make a right turn. There was also a city bus two cars behind me, getting set to approach the bus stop. As I sat there,  I notice a man walking at a very fast pace, headed for the bus stop. He was moving as quickly as he could. In his right hand he was carrying a can of Monster Energy Beverage. In his left hand he carried two bags that looked like groceries. A few feet from the bus stop, the man paused, dropped his bags that were in his left hand and he put his hand over his own forehead as though he seemed a bit dizzy. The can of Monster energy had fell out of his hand. With his right hand, he grabbed a hold of his chest and fell to his knees. I couldn’t believe what I just saw. I was under the impression he had suffered a heart attack. Immediately, someone from the bus stop dialed 911. I was praying to God that we would be ok. He laid there for a while surrounded by people who began to work on him. As the people worked on him, I was looking at that can of Monster Energy drink he was holding. I watched the can roll off onto the curbside of the street. More and more energy liquid was pouring out of the can. 

For the past 5 minutes, people were doing what they could to help the man. Fortunately, the man sat up and was slowly rising upon his feet. I am very sure that that Monster Drink had a lot to do with his dramatic episode. At first he held his head as though he was dizzy. Dizziness is a common side effects for taking energy drinks. Monster Energy Drinks contain up to 240mg of Caffeine. Caffeine tolerance varies between individuals, but for most people a dose of over 200-300mg may produce some initial symptoms: restlessness, increase heartbeat, dizziness, insomnia. Some people can become tired after consumption of caffeine. This is a symptom of adrenal fatigue where the body’s adrenalin system has become overtaxed by constant high caffeine intake. The answer is not to increase caffeine even more - but to reduce, detox, and get the adrenal glands back to a healthy state. Remember it’s hard to pinpoint a safe dose because it varies from person to person and according to a person’s tolerance. Between 500 milligrams to 1000 milligrams in a 24 hr. period it will probably lead to some of the more severe side effects. 

When dealing with poor health include adding synthetic energy liquid consisting caffeine to your body, causes improper functionality in the body which leads to negative episodes like the one I’ve witnessed briefly last week. Before I went to my meeting I ran by albertsons grocery store to buy me a few items. I asked one of the employees where the particular items are located. He told me to check either aisle 10 or 11. I walked down aisle 10 and as I walk down the grocery aisle, I ran into a pack of Monster Drinks on the shelve located to my left. All I could do is shake my head. Monster looks like Death in a can, awaiting for the next customer to drink and it’s over. 

-Renix Graham, III
"Water is the only drink for a wise man." - Henry David Thoreau
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