Monday, June 10, 2013

Creation of Thunder & Lightning!

Alright! I’m back in action after missing two weeks from making any blog entries due to relocation of residency. It feels good to be back in action. I’ve recently just moved to the state of Texas from California. I’ve been here in Texas for little over a week and I’m loving it out here. The Texas culture is a whole lot different than California. I would consider Texas to be very spacious with lots of green vegetation. It is just wonderful. 

On a beautiful Tuesday afternoon, my wife and I were opening our boxes to store our items in their respective places. We have two dogs and they were just running all over our house, upstairs into each bedroom, into the loft & game room, back downstairs, in and out of my office, through the kitchen and back into the den. I’ve decided to go into the garage to get the dog’s cage. I placed the dog cage into the backyard to set it up. In the midst of setting up the cage, I so happen to stop and just glance at the clear beautiful sky, feeling the warm southern humid wind blow by me. I’ve came to the realization; I actually live in the state of Texas and no longer in California. I couldn’t help but smile. As I glanced in eastward direction, I noticed dark clouds from a distance. There just might be a storm tonight, I thought to myself. As the day past by, my wife and I’s labor had came to a close. We were tired as can be, ready for dinner, shower and go to bed.

In the middle of the night, my wife and I were sleeping really good like two babies in a crib. In my sleep, I was dreaming about being in Malibu beach of California having lunch with friends of mine. The restaurant was located right off of the Pacific Coast Highway 2, right on the beach front. Across the street were very nice celebrity style like homes and there was a very high hill that oversees these houses. On top of the high hill was a very sharp winding road. I saw a school bus coming down this twirling winding road driving excessively fast. As my friends sat at the table engaged in conversation, I sat and just watched the school proceed the sharp curve on the winding road. The bus driver inside of the bus attempted to make the sharp turn to stay on the road but instead lost full control and ended up flipping off of the road. (As a reminder: this was only a Dream) As the bus tumbled and flipped over and over down the side of the hill, I heard rumbling noise. The rumbling sound was very loud and watching the bus flip down the hill, the rumbling sound and the bus crashing action were parallel, aligned perfectly on cue. Hearing the rumbling sound from what I thought was from the bus had woke me out of my sleep. Turns out to be crackling sounds of Thunder & Lightning from outside my house. I love the sounds of Thunder & Lightning so much so, I jumped out of bed to record it on my iPhone and took picture shots as well. It amazes me how Thunder & Lighting comes into full effect. 

Thunder is caused by lightning, which is essentially a stream of electrons flowing between or within clouds, or between a cloud and the ground. The air surrounding the electron stream is heated to as hot as 50,000 degree Fahrenheit, which is three times hotter than the surface of the sun. As the superheated air cools it produces a resonating tube of partial vacuum surrounding the lightning’s path. The nearby air rapidly expands and contracts. This causes the column to vibrate like a tubular drum head and produces a tremendous crack. As the vibrations gradually die out, the sound echoes and reverberates, generating the rumbling we call thunder. We can hear the thundering booms 10 miles or more distant from the lightning that caused it. 

When the lightning is within sight, however, we see it first because the speed of sound in air is considerably slower that that of the electron flow. Thus, the sound behaves more like a shock wave than an ordinary sound wave. The shock wave follows the path of the electrons like a fist in a sock. The speed of sound is even more insignificant when compared to the speed of light. The light from the flash reaches us in a fraction of a second, whereas the sound lags along like a snail following an interplanetary rocket.

The audiovisual spectacle of thunder and lighting is a combination of the dynamics of the vibration of air molecules and their disturbance by electrical forces. It is an awesome show and one that reminds all of us of the powers of nature and our own insignificance in relation to them.

- Renix Graham, III
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