Monday, March 25, 2013

I could've been apart of the 13. Say no to energy drinks.

I went over to 7 Eleven to pick up a 5 - Hour Energy shot. I needed energy for the lack of sleep. After leaving the store, I went over to 'Jack in the Box' for a Breakfast Jack meal, that was even worse. I went on to school. While I was in class, I broke out in a sweat, sweating in the palms of my hands. I was slightly having convulsions. I was shaking, heart racing and pumping even harder than normal, as though my heart was going to explode. The feeling I was dealing with was highly uncomfortable.  I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I had to dismiss myself out of the classroom. I didn't want to cause no episode or gain any attention. So I gathered my things, put them inside my backpack and left. As I walked down the sidewalk, heart pounding harder and harder, shortness of breath, I dialed 911 just incase on my cell phone. With my finger near the Send (call button), I felt my adrenaline began to slow down. The energy shot was slowly wearing off of me. I didn't know what was going to happen to me. I thought I was really on a verge of death but thank God nothing fatal happened to me.  That day was the LAST Day I would ever take 5 hour energy shot.

A good friend of mine +Renee Merlo +renee merlo who told me about drinking ionized alkaline water for better energy and good nights rest. Since drinking the water that replenishes my vital organs, expelling toxins of unhealthy junk foods like 'Jack in Box' etc,   I've never had to go back to drinking 5 hour energy shots, Red Bull, Monster, Noz, Full Throttle etc.
I've also changed my poor eating habits into healthy eating habits by eating more alkaline foods. Discovering the energy benefits within Alkaline Foods & Alkaline water were pretty impressive. I've made a personal commitment to myself to drink 1 gallon of alkaline water each day. Since making that commitment, I've felt wonderful, so much better than I did before. It's a great feeling to me to depend on my own natural energy rather than depend on synthetic energy beverages that is abominable to my health.

 That day in particular could've been my final day of life. Once I've heard about the 13 people who died after consuming the 5 hour energy shot, I thought "I could've been apart of the 13."

Here is the article link that caught me by surprise:

 "Water is the only drink for a wise man." -David Henry Thoreau

- Renix Graham

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