Wednesday, March 27, 2013

pH Food Chart Cheat Sheet for Better Health

I remember, everytime I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned, my dentist  would ask me a series of health questions, “How is your health and how are you feeling?” , “Are you eating plenty of alkaline foods and drinking plenty of kangen alkaline water?”,  “Are you protecting your immune system?” I’d reply, “Every once in a while, I’d eat my fruits, veggies and have water. I’d preferred juices or sodas instead of flat non-flavored water.” Dentist shook his head, “Not good. If you want to live long, feel young and vibrant, you must eat healthy alkaline foods and drink lots and lots of kangen alkaline water. If you want to shorten your life span, age faster, keep eating late night oxidizing junk food and drink lots and lots of sodas, carbonated beverages, juices etc. HEY!!! Your Health Is Your Wealth.” 

So for all you health freaks just like myself, i’ve created a pH Food Chart Cheat Sheet for Better Wholesome Health. ONLY FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO LIVE A LONGER LIFE!

Brief explanation about the pH color codes; 

  • Purple - Blue - Light Purple = Alkaline Foods & High Alkaline Ionized Water etc.
  • Light green - Yellow/Orangish - Orange - Red = Acidic Foods & Sodas, Beer, Carbonated Water even Cigarettes etc.

             "Water is the only drink for a wise man." - David Henry Thoreau

             - Renix Graham, III
'Free Alkaline Health Tips' go to:

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