Monday, July 29, 2013

Bike Ride Cardiovascular Experience

When I first moved here to Texas, I helped a professional moving company unload our truck to place our items, furniture and appliances into the house. I’ve noticed how easily fatigued I became after placing some chairs into their respective places. I was experiencing shortness of breath and an irregular heart pace. I was concerned about my blood pressure level as well. Later on that day, my wife and I drove over to Kroger’s supermarket to buy a few groceries for the house. We were making our way over to the frozen section, we passed the pharmacy and I saw this seat that checks out your blood pressure. I so happened to take a seat, press the green button and the test proceeded. The results came back as 188/82. I’ve shared the info with the pharmacist. She said, “Sir, your blood pressure level is in stroke or heart attack territory.” Then she began to ask me a series of health questions. I wasn’t stunned or shocked after hearing what I’ve just heard. I knew for a fact I haven’t been exercising nor eating the right kind of foods. The first thing that came to my mind was, “Boy, You need to exercise, drink plenty of water and eat correctly.” I’ve made a personal commitment to quit eating fast food meals, stopped eating after 8pm, cooked more healthier meals at home. The very next week I went over to Sports Authority in Plano, Texas to purchase me a Road Bike. I was SO excited. I felt like a kid on my birthday, couldn’t wait to get home to ride my bicycle. I purchased some biker shorts with butt pads, a pump, bike cup holder, bike pouch and gloves as additional accessories.  

Every morning daily at 5:30 I’d set out to exercise by way of bike riding. The gears to my bike were set to the highest level of resistance to built muscle mass and strength in my legs. I felt my heart beating faster (in a good way), I’ve sweated, thighs & legs were burning, it felt GREAT!!! I could feel my blood pumping in my veins through cardiovascular. I felt back to my normal self again. I didn’t have the weird feeling in my chest anymore, no more heavy breathing and low energy etc. I’m glad I listened to the signals my body were sending to my brain. As an encouragement to those who maybe dealing with certain health issues, by all means please listen to your body and get checked up by the doctors. Don’t wait till it’s too late. 

- Renix Graham, III
"Water is the only drink for a wise man." - Henry David Thoreau
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