Friday, July 12, 2013

Fresh Organic Fruits & Veggies {verses} Commercial Fruits & Veggies

Freshly grown fruit is one of nature’s healthiest foods, and also among the tastiest.
A piece of fruit, be it an apple, pear, orange, cherry, strawberry or other types of fruit, is a compact container of natural goodness, including vitamins, sugars, enzymes and other components that are essential to the healthy operation of the human body.
Dietitians affirm that a diet consisting mostly of fresh, properly-grown fruits and vegetables, along with small amounts of protein derived from non-meat sources such as whole grains, is a detoxifying, cleansing diet that will provide all necessary ingredients for vigorous growth and metabolism while reducing risk of cancers and other problems that come from diets high in meat, poultry, processed foods, and dairy.
Unfortunately, the agrifood industry has harmfully changed the eating habits of our entire culture. And as more and more fast food and junk food has been eaten, as more chemicals have been used in agriculture, as more factory farms have been used to produce flesh foods, our culture has seen a resultant rise in diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other health problems that are directly tied to the food we eat.
Commercial, conventional agriculture is a big cause of this problem. The typical commercial fruit orchard produces fruit that has less nutritional value, flavor and safety than fruit grown using high-quality inputs and methods.
Commercial non-organic agriculture uses poisons, inferior fertilizers and poor quality control methods. Fruit is sprayed with chemicals, picked early, often coated with wax or other preservatives, stored and shipped in refrigerated compartments, and then placed in stores.
The good news is that you can grow your own fruits and vegetables, using soil or hydroponics methods. You can produce delicious food for yourself without relying on the commercial agriculture industry!

Of 13 major nutrients provided by fruits and vegetables, six showed noticeable declines. The important nutrients that fruits and vegetables provide to humans are protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and vitamin C. The declines ranged from 6 percent for protein, 15 percent for iron, 20 percent for vitamin C, and 38 percent for riboflavin. Industrial agriculture’s reliance on crops that grow the fastest and biggest is a reason for the decline. The kinds of crops commercial farmers select now are unable to acquire and manufacture nutrients when compared to traditional varieties of the same crops.

The predictable and standard response from those who represent the commercial agriculture and food industry is that it really doesn’t matter if fruits and vegetables have less nutritional value for humans. What matters, they say, is that chemical agriculture can produce large amounts of food. Quantity is more important than quality, they allege.

In the minds of agrifood marketers, humans would be better off eating inert substances that are flavored and textured to resemble natural foods. Vitamins and other nutritional components are injected into this material. It is similar to the faux food served to the intergalactic travelers on the sci-fi series Star Trek. It looks like food and it tastes like food, but only in a “virtual” way- it is actually material designed to substitute for food. [My Previous Reference Blog: "Eat like you mean it."]

If this sounds far-fetched, all you have to do is a little research and you will see that growing your own fruits and vegetables is a lot smarter than buying commercial fruits and vegetables.

- Renix Graham, III
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