Monday, May 13, 2013

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Solution for Pollution is Dillution

My wife DeAnn Graham and I, we’re two hard working individuals in our own endemic frame work of expertise. DeAnn is a Real Estate Officer (REO) for an International Bank in the Mortgage Industry. Her daily assignment is managing properties, selling foreclosed homes and also works with non-profit organizations. My occupation, I am an Independent Distributor & Molecular Hydration Specialist for Enagic Inc. My daily assignment is to help educate the community about Health & Wellness involving Kangen/Alkaline/Ionized Water. I demonstrate the difference on what is Acidic (unhealthy) and what is Alkaline (healthy). After exhibiting water for people, I deliver Alkaline water to people’s homes. My wife and I take pride in what we enjoy doing daily. There is a major event that will be taking place these next couple of weeks that causes us both to work a little more harder. We both have acknowledged that after reaching this upcoming milestone in our lives, we will be taking a nice vacation. There are many vicinities we would like to select from but we can only take one trip. My desire is to travel back to either Hawaii or Alaska. My wife would like to travel out to either Bora Bora, Fiji islands or the Caribbean’s. 

Yesterday on Mother’s Day, I was talking with a friend of mine about how beautiful Hawaii was. My wife and I enjoyed the luau festivals, snorkeling, volcano visits, eating at nice exquisite 5 star dining restaurants etc. He explained his experience when he took a two week cruise vacation out to Hawaii. When the cruise ship went out to set sail, the ocean waters was clear, beautiful, turquoise, indigo blue, sparkling beautiful water. The next morning the ship was out near the center of the pacific ocean. My friend went up top of the ship to have breakfast. He walked around the opened dining area to find preferred seating near a window to enjoy the view as he ate. While looking out the window, he told me that he seen  a whole bunch of white floating material. A lot of people went outside of the dining area to view all of the white floating materials. My friend elaborated, “Man! Renix, there was so much plastic bags all over the ocean. You could look around and see so much floating rubbish  around the entire ocean. It was in 360 degree view.”  Other than plastic bags, there were floating empty soda bottles, all types of contrasting floatable plastic uncleaned collateral.  My friend told me the captain made an announcement to all of the customers on board that what they’re seeing is called ‘The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.’ He apologized for the unpleasant image of our ocean. I’m pretty sure there were some unhappy passengers on board who’ve paid a pretty penny to ride the cruise ship. But HEY!!!, you can’t blame the Cruising Company about the trash in the ocean. They have NO control over the situation. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch stuck with my thoughts all day. So I’ve decided to look for an article that explained more details about this Garbage patch in the pacific ocean. It was quite interesting and surprising. 

-Renix Graham, III
"Water is the only drink for a wise man." - Henry David Thoreau
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