Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Where does Rain come from?

In my neighborhood in the last few days we had received some rain. It would sprinkle from time to time. On a Sunday afternoon I was chillin in my backyard, relaxing as I sat in my lounge chair after a long day at church. The weather was very cloudy. Every part of the sky was covered with dark rain clouds. It began to sprinkle outside and I remained out side enjoying the sprinkles hitting my skin. I was gazing at the sky, marveled at how wet rain drops proceeding from the clouds in the sky down to the grass in my backyard. I’ve heard a lot of my friends say “Oh No! It’s Raining.... Dang!” I’m sure most of us don’t like rainy days but I was taught that we need the rain to amplify our green vegetation. If everyday were to be sunny, our land would become a dry desert. 

I do recall some of the things I was taught in high school that Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a vapor. The Sun’s energy warms water droplets until the water becomes a vapor and rises into the air. When water vapor (or droplets) come together in the sky, they form clouds. Condensation is the process by which water vapor cools and becomes a liquid again. Precipitation is the process by which condensed water builds up in clouds and falls to the ground as rain, sleet, snow, or hail. And that is how rain is formed and where it’s came from. I’m surprised I still remember that.

- Renix L. Graham, III
"Water is the only drink for a wise man." - David Henry Thoreau
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